
I taught part-time at George Brown and Humber Colleges for many years before accepting the opportunity to teach a course through the Chang School at Ryerson University. Politics of Sexuality: Power and Pleasure CINT 906 is explores the multiple sites of difference constellated by sex and gender. This course privileges the experience of individuals who do not conform to a rigid sex and gender hierarchy. Course content does not attempt to define or dictate others experience but instead attempts to connect, understand, and engage with individuals through readings, presentations, and class participation.

Teaching this course developed a style of teaching that is reflective of who I am as a person and a therapist. Class engagement through stimulating conversation and literature that challenges the intellect are primary to my teaching style. Creating opportunities for students to experience the course material from their own experience such that the material ceases to be separate from the self is my goal as an educator. This embodied learning or whole learning is central to my teaching style.

My personal and professional experience expanded through teaching in the School of Child and Youth Care at Ryerson University.

Primary courses within the department that I created and delivered:

  • Incident Response for Children and Youth CYC802
  • Theories of Change CYC401
  • Principles of Group Care CYC103

Over the years I have delivered a variety of courses:

  • Advanced Therapeutic Interventions CYC605
  • Professional Issues CYC347
  • Integrated Case Management CYC 804
  • Children’s Rights CYC604
  • Internship Seminar CYC60 a/b

I continue to teach in the field as I find the stimulation and engagement with students keeps me challenged and energized. The academic environment provides the theoretical balance for my private practice. I am enlivened by the integration of theory and the practice that both teaching and my private practice afford me.